How To “Share” Posts, Pictures and Videos on Facebook – From Your iPhone.

How To “Share” Posts, Pictures and Videos on Facebook – From Your iPhone.

How To “Share” Posts, Pictures and Videos on Facebook – From Your iPhone.

I know I say this each time I write a Facebook how-to, but it’s worth repeating.  I realize that all of you are at different stages in your Facebook know-how. I don’t ever want it to seem that I’m talking down to those of you who are seasoned Facebookers, but at the same time I want to make sure I cover the basics for those of you who are just getting started.

In the Facebook Survey that was sent out a few months ago, there were many of you who were having trouble navigating Facebook on your phones, and several of you who were just “spectators” because you weren’t confident enough to update your statuses or share photos and participate.

For those of you who have been sitting on the fence watching everyone else play on Facebook, this post is for you! So, roll up your sleeves little missies, and let’s do this, okay?


If you should have some questions after reading this, just post them in the comment section below and I promise I’ll respond to you.

My goal is for everyone who wants to be active on Facebook to be active on Facebook! If there is a particular feature of Facebook that you’re having problems with and want to learn, please suggest it in the comments below and I’ll include it in the series.

For all my friends who have told me that they don’t know how to share things on Facebook I’d better be seeing you sharing pictures and posts like crazy now. No excuses anymore, okay?

And here’s something to remember as you’re learning to navigate Facebook that will boost your confidence even more. Remember this: Anything you’ve done can always be undone. If you post something you didn’t mean to, you can delete it. If you’ve said something stupid or misspelled something, you can go back and edit it. If you’ve tagged somebody that didn’t want to be tagged, you can untag them.

Until next time, peace out.

Patti Huck image and signature

This post is #2 in a series I’m doing called Facebook for Baby Boomers. If you missed #1, just click on the image to the left. Each post in the series will be numbered. If you’d like to be notified when new posts have been published, subscribe to my list and you won’t miss a single one!

Can Pooping Improve Your Memory? The Answer is in The Magazine Section.

Can Pooping Improve Your Memory? The Answer is in The Magazine Section.

What Can I Do To Help My Memory?

I suggest you become a defecating cruciverbalist.

verb: to void excrement from the bowels through the anus; have a bowel movement.

noun: a person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles

Pooping + Puzzles = Improved Memory

I’m all about multi-tasking, and there’s seriously little else to focus on when you’re on the throne besides well…being on the throne.

There are some days it’s a quick trip in and out, but there are other days when nature apparently is preoccupied with someone else’s more pressing problems, so there’s a lot of sitting around doing nothing. To me, that’s wasting precious time. Doing crossword puzzles gives me something to do while I’m in the bathroom.

Exceptions to the Rule

Now, there are times when working puzzles while you’re in the potty isn’t a good idea. For instance, when you’re backed up to your eyeballs, haven’t gone in days, and you’ve just felt a glimmer of a possible breakthrough. In that case, you’re going to need complete focus on the business at hand. The better choice here would be to put the book down and do a little meditating. Ommm…

On the other hand, if you’re plagued with the squirts, there’s going to be a lot of flushing, sweating and possible bending in half with stomach cramps. With your hands full juggling various cleaning tools, this is not the ideal situation to try to keep track of a small crossword puzzle book. The potential anxiety this could cause you would hardly be worth the trouble. Don’t even bother opening your book on this trip in.

Crossword puzzle books in bathroom basket

What I’m talking about here is your every day, run of the mill, normal bathroom routine.

I keep my book with pen attached in a little magazine rack along with my bathroom spray next to the toilet.

You know how “they” suggest that it’s healthy to spend at least 15 minutes with and on ourselves every day? Make this your 15.

Okay, hurry and make a quick run to Wal-Mart (I’ll wait). Pick up a crossword puzzle book. I suggest “Easy Crosswords by Dell. You can grab one in the magazine section for under a buck.

I like to buy books that are fairly easy. If I get the more challenging ones, I get frustrated.

The point is not to compare yourself to those obviously gifted individuals who are able to complete the harder puzzles, but to challenge yourself to whatever level you need to get your brain activated and allow you to flex those problem solving muscles.

Crossword Puzzle Books

Setting The Mood

You should be set. Okay, refill your coffee, leave your phone in the other room, head to the “library”, lock the door, and get settled in.

Take a sip of your coffee. Listen to the quiet. Breathe in the clean smell of the bathroom (currently). Ahhhh. Are you feeling your zen?

Okay, now grab your book, hunker down and get after it!

Wait. Is There Proof That Crossword Puzzles Improve Memory?

Glad you asked. There seems to be mixed feelings from the scientific and medical community as to whether doing crossword puzzles actually improves the memory. So that means half think they do, and half think they don’t, right?

Let’s be the ‘cup is half full’ people shall we? I mean if you can’t remember shit right now anyway, it’s not going to make things worse if you do the puzzles and they don’t help.

But let’s say they do help. Spending fifteen minutes a day doing something pleasurable and somewhat challenging that will help you remember your daughter’s name the next time she calls? Phhfff. I’m in! No-brainer.

Will Crossword Puzzles Keep Me From Getting Alzheimer’s?

The thought of developing Alzheimers Disease is scarey, especially if it’s in your family history.

Alzheimer’s is characterized by the presense of “plaques” seen in the brain. The main component in these plaques is a toxic protein called Beta-amyloid that builds up in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkley conducted a study using brain scans to measure changes in the brains of test subjects.

The researchers found that those who were more often engaged in mentally stimulating activities, the less buildup of beta-amyloid they were likely to have in the brain.

Research concluded that reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles and solving challenging puzzles may be linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


Are There Other Benefits of Doing Crossword Puzzles?

But of course there are. Here are some positive things crossword puzzles can do for you. They…

Improve Your Verbal Skills – I think as we age, we tend to forget there are alternatives to words we use daily. They’ve taught me to change things up now and then when I speak. Instead of telling someone my typical “I’ll make this quick”, instead I’ll tell them “I’ll be succinct”. It impresses the hell out of people when you whip shit like that out.

Teach You Problem Solving – They make you think. Plain and simple. Don’t tell me they don’t improve your memory. I’m exercising the hell out of my memory muscles when I try to think of another word for “goad”, or the first name of “singer Horne”. And you can bet I’ll remember them three puzzles from now when I run across the same questions.

Reduce Stress – They take you out of your head for a short while and make you put your focus on something other than what’s consuming you at the present time. There’s something comforting about filling in those little squares.

Make You Smarter – You learn geography, politics, remember old phrases, learn new slang, bible verses, synonyms, grammar, history, current trends, movies, authors, etc. You become a source of information that makes you a rock star when playing games like Catch Phrase, Password, etc.

Give You a Sense of Accomplishment – When you’ve been stuck on a word for three days and it finally comes to you? Yessss! Puzzle solved. It’s a huge feeling of accomplishment, especially if you had held off peeking at the anwers in the back.

They’re Portable – You can take them anywhere. They fit in your purse, your beach bag, your office drawer. Leave one in your car. They’re a great alternative to mindlessly scrolling through your phone when you find yourself in a waiting situation or need some time to wind down.

In Conclusion…

I believe I’ve made my case that pooping will definitely improve your memory. I’d also like to mention that this proves a common expression untrue…

As you’re sitting on the commode with a brand new Crossword Puzzle book nestled on your lap, rest assured that you will never “Shit Your Brains Out”. Nope. Never gonna happen.

Not only will your brain stay firmly in place while you’re happily solving puzzles during your daily constitutional, but you’ll be providing it the fuel to potentially become stronger and sharper.

If you don’t do crossword puzzles, what other mind stimulating activities do you do that are helping you protect your brain? Share them below.

Patti Huck image and signature


What Has The Younger Generation Done To Our Language? Take a Listen…

What Has The Younger Generation Done To Our Language? Take a Listen…

What Language Are They Speaking?

Hey. I don’t want this to sound like a total bitch session, but I’ve got a major pet peeve, and I mean MAJOR. This slaughter of our language seriously makes me cringe – like nails on a chalkboard, duck my head and raise my shoulders around my ears kind of cringe.

Work with me for a minute. Do you mind? Say the word “button”. Say it out loud.

When you say the word, do you say it like “bu” and then press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, say “n”, and the “n” sound kind of comes out your nose? Your mouth makes two movements, right? Your mouth opens when your lips part, then when you push your tongue up your jaw moves.

The first sound is as if you were going to say butt, but you stop before you make the “t” sound. Then you quickly make the “n” sound as if you were going to say “nice”. Am I right?

I know. It sounds ridiculous to make this such a big deal, but for god’s sake. These words are being massacred. Please tell me it’s not just me that notices it.

“Button” is being said “bu-ann”. No “t”. Totally left out. Their mouth opens and says “bu” and doesn’t have to move again to slide in the “ann”. I don’t know if it’s laziness or if it’s some new slang valley girl thing that’s supposed to be cool right now. Except it’s not.

That’s the first version – there are two. Maybe one is lower valley version and the next is upper valley? Who knows.

The second version is an exaggerated, bouncy T sound. It’s like they’ve suddenly discovered the T, feel bad for having ignored it, and are overcompensating by emphasizing the hell out of it.

It’s being pronounced “but-ten”. It’s said like a 2-year-old just learning to speak. Or a pre-teen when they’re trying to be cutesy. Except these are adults speaking this way. I don’t get it, and I also don’t know why it bugs me so much, but it does. It hurts my ears.

Oh I know! I’ll record it so you can hear it. (To play the audio, click the triangle button on the far left).

“Button” – Pronounced Our Way.

“Button” – Both Versions Pronounced Their Way.

So there’s that. Is it being taught this way in school now? Are WE mispronouncing it? Whatever.

Uh-oh. Now They’re Getting Creative. The “T” Has Been Replaced.

In this new foreign language, there’s another circumstance where the “T” is being pronounced wonky. Well actually, it’s not being pronounced at all. It’s being replaced with an “h”.

Here’s an example.  The word “stretched” is being pronounced “schretched”. The sound “St” has become “Sch”.

This audio is me attempting to replicate it. My tongue doesn’t like it.

They schrike out.

They walk in a schrate line.

They don’t talk to schrangers.

I was doing a yoga video the other day and the cute little instructor was telling us to schretch and then relax. We schretched and relaxed 10 TIMES! Any idea how annoyed I was by the time we hit 10? I was anything but relaxed.

This is really “Important”. Listen Up!

And yet another word massacre. This time in the middle of a word. Again, apparently the “t” is too much of a bother, so it’s being dropped. The word “important” becomes “Impor-a”. It’s like there is a half-ass attempt made at saying the second half of the word but apparently it gets too hard, so they just let it drift off into nothing.

Seriously, that’s what it sounds like. Listen

Are “t’s” that difficult to pronouce? Do they take too long? Have they been dismissed as unnecessary?

What the hell? I’ve noticed this mostly in girls of the Millennial generation (Born 1977-1995).

I was looking forward to watching a webinar of an extremely successful young person last week. We were barely 5 minutes into an hour presentation when we were told the next section would be very “impor-a”. Aaaagh! 55 more minutes of this? I wanted to hit mute and just read subtitles.

Now I know what you’re thinking, and I can’t believe I’ve taken up an entire post about this either. I admit that my ears pick up on a lot of things other people’s don’t. If you haven’t noticed this, perk your ears up when you’re listening to 20-something yr-old women speak. Not all do this, but a lot do.

Thank you for letting me vent. Comment below and p-l-e-a-s-e shed some light on this for me if you know what this new speak is all about. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that must mean that at some point I’ve blown out my eardrums and my hearing is distorted. Tell me you’ve never noticed any of the above and I’ll go get them checked promptly.

Okay, your turn to vent. Tell me one of your pet peeves in the comment box below.

So until next time – Peace out, and hey, don’t be a schranger! (ugh)

Patti Huck image and signature


What Has The Younger Generation Done to Our Language? | Women Over Fifty Network
Baby Boomers: 9 Reasons to Love Us. 9 To Blame on The Years We Grew Up In

Baby Boomers: 9 Reasons to Love Us. 9 To Blame on The Years We Grew Up In

Who Are Baby Boomers?

If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you are a member of the Baby Boomer generation.

Why Are We Called Baby Boomers?

Almost exactly nine months after World War II ended, more babies were born in 1946 than any year in American history. 3.4 million little “boomers” were born in 1946, 20 percent more than were born in 1945! Guess those boys were glad to be back home aye?

This elevated birthrate continued through the next 18 years until it finally tapered off in 1964. By the end of the year there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States. We made up almost 40 percent of the nation’s population.

By 2030, about one in five Americans will be older than 65. Because of our generation’s size, we have a significant impact on our nation’s economy and growth, but at the same time there is concern that our aging population will also place a strain on social welfare systems. (“Baby Boomers”

How Could a Typical Baby Boomer Be Described?

Is there really any “typical”? We are a diverse group, but this is a general collection of our beliefs and character traits.

+ We believe anything is possible.

+ We are extremely loyal to our children.

+ We are ambitious.

+ We are ethical and loyal.

+ We are willing to take on responsibility.

+ We are competent multi-taskers.

+ We work efficiently and have good communications skills.

+ We are willing to take risks and are driven.

+ We believe in equal rights and equal opportunities.

I feel that the below traits that a lot of us Boomers share, although not all desirable traits, were borne from the music and culture of our times. With so many of our generation in VietNam, fear ran rampant.

Make Love Not War“, “Give Peace a Chance” became mantras. We experienced Woodstock, free love, drugs, love-ins, the hippie culture, flower children and music to express ourselves and find peace.

We developed a fierce determination to create happiness and find peace in whatever way worked for us. To become your own person without judgement was the norm of our times. We ran with it.

> We have a “spend now, worry later”, “buy now, pay later” attitude

> We are competitive.

> We challenge authority.We become judgemental when disagreed with.

> We don’t like conformity and rules – we challenge the status quo.

> We tend to be workaholics – we invented the 50-hr work week.

> We expect everyone else to be workaholics.

> We can be self-centered – personal growth is important to us.

> We’re not great with finances (see #1 above).

Where We Fit In the Current Generations

Generations Before and After Us

Born 1945 and Before

“Traditionalists” or “Silent Generation”

Baby Boomer

Born 1946 to 1964

“Baby Boomers”

Generation X

Born 1965 to 1976

“Generation X”


Born 1977 to 1995

“Millennials” or “Gen X”


Born 1996 and Later

“Centennials”, “iGen”, or “Gen Z”

Events That Shaped Us as a Generation

The events that transpire during our lifetime will naturally affect each of us in different ways. The Baby Boomers have had a lot to digest so far in our lives and whether it be subtly or drastically, these events will have an effect on how we look at life, raise our children, form our opions, and determine the lifestyle we will lead. Below are just a few.

1954 – McCarthy hearings begin
1955 – Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of the bus
1957 – First nuclear power plant
1960 – Kennedy elected President
1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 – Martin Luther King leads march on Washington DC
1963 – President John Kennedy assassinated
1964 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed
1965 – United States sends ground troops to Vietnam
1966 – National Organization for Women founded
1967 – American Indian Movement Founded
1968 – Martin Luther King assassinated
1968 – Robert Kennedy assassinated
1969 – First moon landing
1970 – Kent State University Shootings

We’ve been described as restless.We are sometimes referred to as  the “Me Generation”. We were promised the American Dream growing up, and we’re still looking for it.

As with each generation before and after us, a lot has changed in our lifetimes. Some of it has been frightening, but most changes have been enlightening and exciting.

Personally speaking, computers and Google are two of the best discoveries that have happened in my lifetime! I can have an answer to my every question right at the tips of my fingers any time of the day or night.

As much as I embrace our new technological world, I always feel a little pang of loneliness when I think of my pretty little pink princess rotary phone with the party line. I loved that phone. It was the physical representation of my entry into my tumultuous teenage years. But shared memories of my childhood and teenage years from the late 50’s to the mid-70’s is for another day and another blog post.

As you read through the above summary of Baby Boomers, are there things that you’d like to add? I value any additional information or memories from your point of view. Please feel free to add them in the comment section below.

Until next time…Peace out.

Patti Huck image and signature






Baby Boomers - The Restless Generation | Women Over Fifty Network