Blog or Website? What Makes Them Different?

Blog or Website? What Makes Them Different?

Blog or Website? What Makes Them Different?

Blog or website? Which is which? Are you confused? It’s not surprising. With all the technology these days there are so many terms flying around it’s easy to just throw your hands up and check out of the internet/online world. But don’t! We’re Baby Boomers who are all starting to age juuuuuust a tich, and the best indicator of that is us not keeping up with what’s current. Remember grandma and grandpa? I don’t know about yours, but mine seemed to be okay with staying firmly entrenched in their era. Bless their hearts. My grandma was a sweetheart, and very simple. She’d let me talk on and on and pretend she was interested although was clueless a lot of the time.  I always knew when I’d touched on a subject that was beyond the decade she’d stopped learning when I saw her get that glazed over look. After I had finished explaining, I could count on her response. “Oh? That’s nice honey”. I don’t want to get that way and I also don’t want you to. So, let’s get this little website/blog thing cleared up.
We’re going to take a look at three types of websites and what their purposes are: 1. Websites WITHOUT a Blog. 2. Websites with ONLY a Blog. 3. Websites WITH a Blog.

1. Websites without a blog

Notice the menu across the top of the website below. It does not include a blog.

What is a WEBSITE?

A website, for the most part,

  • contains information that remains the same (is static).
  • its content is mostly centered around products or services the business offers.
  • unless there is a chat feature, its communication with you is only one way. A website speaks to you, not with you.

What’s the Purpose of a website?

The purpose of a  business website is to convince website visitors that they should become customers of the company. When designing a business website, the goal is to structure it so that it is easy for the prospective customer to understand the products the business sells, or the services the business offers. It provides the information that is necessary for a prospective customer to make the decision to buy the products or services their business offers, and make it as easy as possible for them to do that. A lot of times this is done through images that are inviting, and colorful, or by posting sales that can’t be resisted.

Business Websites are the Modern day Business Card…

…except on steroids!. Most businesses these days have a website. A website can provide a business location and phone number just like a business card, but with room to add multiple pages of images and descriptions it becomes a giant brochure putting that tiny little business card to shame. Unlike a business card that got stuck to the back of a drawer or shoved in a deep jeans pocket and gone through the wash cycle, a business’s website is always easily accessible online. Additionally, a business website is able to reach millions of people  online,  whereas you have  to meet a person face-to-face to hand them your business card. Common businesses having a website without a blog would be restaurants, doctor’s offices, car repair service, etc. NOTE: A website without a blog, is just a website. Websites have the option to add a blog to their website. You would say “I went to their website.”

2. Websites with only a blog

The navigation menu of a blog may have a home page, an about page, and a contact page like the blog below. But sometimes a blog will list the cateogories the persons writes about across the top as navigation items in  the menu. Or there won’t be any menu at all.

what is a blog? The term “weblog” (web log) was coined by Jorn Barger in 1997. The shorter form “blog” was coined by Peter Merholz on his blog in 1999. -Wikipedia I’m sure you’ve heard someone say they ‘blog’, or that they ‘read a blog’ or ‘wrote a blog’, or a ‘blog post’, or ‘an article online’. Right? They are all referring to this type of website. Posts are updates that the website owner write regularly. They are listed chronologically on the site, with the most current usually at the top. A blog typically…

  • has content that is regularly updated.
  • is educational, entertaining, informative.
  • is informal, shows emotion, and is relaxed.
  • is interactive and allows the reader/customer to communicate and participate.

what is the purpose of a blog?

Websites with only a blog are created because the creator is only interested in blogging. They don’t normally sell products or services. They just want to write. A blog is a website that is like a diary or journal.  Bloggers (a word for people who write on blogs) often randomly write about their opinions and thoughts and what may be going on in their lives. Some bloggers create blogs to share an interest they have, such as travel. The blogger might write about their travels, share pictures of their adventures, and may offer travel tips based on their experiences. Whereas websites without blogs may be professional, a website with only a blog tends to be more friendly, informal and relaxed. Typical blog only websites would be people writing blog posts about their interests: travel, crafting, a sports interest, hobbies. Or lifestyle blogs: parents of twins, divorce, or like the sample above – my sister writing about having kids after 40 (she’s hilarious – read it HERE) . Other popular blog topics are written about health, fitness, makeup, and fashion. NOTE: All blogs are technically websites, but you may say, “I went to their blog”. Even the owner of the blog may refer to it as their blog instead of their website.  

3. Websites with a blog

Notice the navigation menu of the below website does include a blog.

Why do Some Business websites Also Have blogs?

Because a website without a blog is so impersonal, a lot of smart businesses are now adding blogs to their websites in an effort to build relationships with their customers. For instance, instead of a spice company just displaying the spices they sell on their website, they may start publishing recipes on their blog showing readers how to use their spices in mouth-watering recipes.

Who would need a website with a blog?

Women Over Fifty Network (this website) is a website with a blog. I needed the features of a website for a place to keep static information:

  • Instructions to readers about how to submit their inspirational stories to be published on our website
  • A page that explains how Women Over Fifty Network began and what my purpose was in creating it
  • A homepage (basically a summary) outlining the benefits and value of becoming part of our community.
  • A place where they could access free courses on subjects that might interest them or books I’ve written.
  • A place that provides useful information and resources relevant to women our age.

Yet at the same time I needed a blog to be able to write regular blog posts.

  • Blog posts allow me to share experiences I’ve had that may be relatable to my readers
  • They let me share with them subjects I’ve researched that they’ve expressed an interest in
  • I’m able to get feedback, and have conversations when they leave their thoughts in the comment section after a blog post
  • When readers subscribe to my list, I’m able to communicate with them, form an actual relationship and get to know them

NOTE: A website with a blog is called a website. But you might say “I was on their website and read a great blog post.”

Which should you choose?

Decide what it is you want your website to accomplish. Go back and read the reasons for choosing each of the three types of websites. Lay out what features you’ll need. Will your site contain only static information? Are you planning on writing a blog? Do you have products you’d like to promote? What is your purpose? To inspire? To motivate? To make connections?

This was my thought process when deciding, and the results

Who is My Audience?  Women Over Fifty What is My Purpose? To inspire, support and celebrate women over fifty, and encourage them to be the best they can be. How Will I Accomplish That? Through blog posts, online courses, physical products, digital courses, eBooks, & offering my branding and web design services.

  • A website with a blog gives me wiggle room to add additional things when I’m ready. For instance, I’ve always wanted to design products specific to women over fifty. I recently added a store to my website with the few products I’ve currently designed, but room to add more.
  • I also do branding and website design, and when I’m ready to offer those services, my website with the ability to add unlimited pages, will allow that.

My goal is to take all the ideas I’ve had in my head and incorporate them into my website to create a community of women over fifty that will never have to feel alone or isolated.

I so hope this has been helpful.

–If you have questions, please comment below and I promise I will reply.

–If you’re starting an online business or blog, you may be interested in joining our Women Over Fifty Solopreneurs and Bloggers Facebook Group. Click HERE to join.

This post is #1 in the “Blogging for Baby Boomers” Series. 

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Difference between blog and website | Women Over Fifty Network

Be sure to go to your email inbox, find my email to you, and confirm your registration. Talk soon!


How To Edit or Delete Something You Wrote On Facebook

How To Edit or Delete Something You Wrote On Facebook

How To Edit or Delete Something You Wrote On Facebook

Ooops! Need to Edit or Delete?

We’ve all had those moments when we write something on Facebook, hit enter, and feel the icewater run through our veins when we realize we shouldn’t have said what we did. Or we were scrolling through Facebook while in line at the grocery store and wrote a cutesy reply on the wrong person’s wall. Or we grossly misspelled a word that makes us look like an idiot.

Have you ever had someone’s comment strike you wrong and quickly wrote a snarky response? Then, after looking again realized you had misinterpreted their meaning? But there’s your pissy comment hanging out for all to see.

It used to be you had a very short window of time to edit your Facebook comment or status. I am forever indebted to the Facebook gods for changing that little feature. They now allow us to go back at any time to edit things we’ve written.

Note to New Facebook Users:

Your Facebook ‘Status‘ is a message you write on your own Timeline telling people what you want to say. It’s also called a ‘status update’, or a ‘post’. You write your status update in the box that asks you “What’s on your mind?”. If you were to tell someone you did this, you’d probably use the term “I posted on Facebook”.

Screenshot of Facebook Timeline









How To Edit Your Status

Step 1.

See those three dots on the top right of the box you just posted in? Click on the three dots and you’ll get a dropdown of options. (You just heard angels sing didn’t you?)

Step 2.

Click on Edit Post.

Click on the Edit Post option-how to edit your status on Facebook







Step 3.

Your post will come up in an edit box. Change what you want to change, or type something completely new. When you’re finished, click Done Editing.

The Editing Box Appears

How easy is that?

How To Edit Your Comment After a Post

You do the exact same thing as you did to edit your status.

  • Step 1. Hover over the dots.
  • Step 2. Click Edit.
  • Step 3. Make changes to your comment, then press the Enter key when you’re finished. Once you’ve opened your comment to edit, if you decide you don’t need to after all, just click Esc or cancel (you’ll see these options in small letters in the edit box.

How To Delete Your Post or Comment

You might have noticed above when you clicked the three magic dots to get the edit button, that it also gives you the option to delete. Follow the same steps to delete a post or comment as you used to edit your post or comment.

As We Wrap Up, Let Me Share a Couple Thoughts

This Facebook stuff doesn’t need to be intimidating. Don’t be afraid to click around to find what you need. You’ll be amazed at how fast you’ll learn the ins and outs of Facebook if you just explore a bit. If you happen to screw somethig up, dont treak. There’s not much you can’t undo.

Now that you know how to edit and delete, I don’t want to see any more Facebook comments full of typos followed by another comment underneath it correcting yourself. No need. Now you can just correct the origiinal, OK? OK!

Until next time, peace out!

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How to Edit or Delete on Facebook | Women Over Fifty Network