Keto Diet not Working for You? Try this Secret to Make it Easy.
Keto Diet not Working for You? Try this Secret to Make it Easy.
What is a Keto Diet?
A Keto Diet, short for Ketogenic Diet, is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.
A Ketogenic Diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. When there is less carbohydrate in the diet, the liver then converts fat into fatty acids and ketones. The ketones pass into the brain through the blood and replace glucose as an energy source.
When there is an elevated level of ketones in the blood, you are said to be in a state known as “ketosis“. The goal of the Keto Diet is to get you into a state of ketosis.
What Foods Can I Eat on a Keto Diet, and What Food is Off-Limits?
You can search for Keto Diet and find hundreds of meal plans and recipes online. One site that I thought looked particularly good was Women’s Health.
Since the Ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, that means you need to stay away from sugar, pasta and bread.
Food You Can Eat (in general)
- Fish, seafood, meat
- Vegetables that grow above ground
- Cheese and eggs
- Natural fats
- i.e (butter, olive oil, etc.)
Foods You Should Eat Sparingly
- Pasta, rice, potatoes
- Fruit
- Beer, Soda, Juice
- Bread, Cakes, Donuts, etc.
- Candy, Chocolate, etc.
What’s The Big Hype? Why is It Supposed to Work?
The body has three sources of fuel it can burn to get its energy: Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat.
Just as a car needs fuel in it’s gas tank that it burns to enable it to perform, we need food to provide us our energy to perform.
Sticking stictly to a Ketogenic Diet will eventually put the body into a state of ketosis. When your body is in a state of ketosis, it means it is now burning fat to fuel your body.
How Do You Know When You’re in Ketosis?
Urine test strips are available, like the ones below, that will give you a reading letting you know when your body has reached a ketogenic state, or is in “ketosis“.
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02/16/2025 10:07 am GMT
If It Sounds So Simple, Why Are So Many People Falling Off?
Because it’s hard!
The Keto diet’s original purpose was not for weight loss, but to treat epilepsy in children. Those on the diet had to be monitored strictly by a physician. So even if you think you’re following the rules of the diet, as it turns out, you may not be. According to my research, it is extremely difficult to get your body into a state of ketosis on your own through diet alone, and even if you do get to ketosis, you may not be there long enough to burn much fat.So What’s The Secret?
Pure Therapeutic Ketones. You start dumping ketones into your body to get your body into ketosis faster. The video below shows how they work and what they do. It’s only 4 minutes and it’s explained very simply (no scientific language). Hit the play button on the man’s nose and give it a watch.
Oh, I Forgot The Best Part…
As I learned more about Pruvit’s Keto OS, one thing kept jumping out at me. Pruvit claims that Keto OS will get your body into ketosis within 60 minutes, (the state when your body is burning fat), EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT FOLLOWING A KETOGENIC DIET!!! Not saying that it wouldn’t help you and your body to follow the diet, but if you’re drinking Keto OS you don’t have to follow the Keto diet because ketosis will happen anyway.
Yeah. I was ready to give this stuff a try.
How Do You Get Them?
I am one of the biggest skeptics you’ll ever find. In my next post I will be sharing what my experience has been with this product, but I’ll tell you right now that it’s basically changed my life.
If you’ve decided to get better with ketones right away, and don’t want to wait to hear my story, I can help you. Choose your option below.
Want to Try Them First?
To purchase a 5-10 day trial, Just click the button below. Try all the flavors. Be reminded what it feels like to feel good.
Anxious to Just Get Started?
If you want to skip the trial and just get started, click the button below and let’s get you some ketones!
A Note To My Readers:
When I started
I will never recommend a product I don’t use myself, or a product with which I haven’t personally had results.
Stay tuned for my next post about my experience with pure therapeutic ketones.