How To “Share” Posts, Pictures and Videos on Facebook – From Your iPhone.
How To “Share” Posts, Pictures and Videos on Facebook – From Your iPhone.
In the Facebook Survey that was sent out a few months ago, there were many of you who were having trouble navigating Facebook on your phones, and several of you who were just “spectators” because you weren’t confident enough to update your statuses or share photos and participate.
For those of you who have been sitting on the fence watching everyone else play on Facebook, this post is for you! So, roll up your sleeves little missies, and let’s do this, okay?

My goal is for everyone who wants to be active on Facebook to be active on Facebook! If there is a particular feature of Facebook that you’re having problems with and want to learn, please suggest it in the comments below and I’ll include it in the series.
And here’s something to remember as you’re learning to navigate Facebook that will boost your confidence even more. Remember this: Anything you’ve done can always be undone. If you post something you didn’t mean to, you can delete it. If you’ve said something stupid or misspelled something, you can go back and edit it. If you’ve tagged somebody that didn’t want to be tagged, you can untag them.
Until next time, peace out.