Guide For New Keto OS Users: Things I Didn’t Know That I Want You To


Yay You for Choosing to Optimize your Body with Keto OS!

When I started drinking ketones, I was a little bit in the dark as to when to take them, how to take them, and what to expect. So I want to make sure that my peeps are better informed. In case you missed the video explaining how ketones work in your body and what they do for it,  this video does a way better job explaining it than I ever could. It’s only 4 minutes. Click the arrow and give it a watch.

When and How To Drink Ketones Plus Other Info

Read the Keto OS Hacker’s Guide below. Pay attention to the part about starting out with 1/2 packet. Some people do fine with a full packet and have no problems. Others may have the kind of body, like mine, that has to question every little thing that’s introduced to it. It’s not uncommon to experience one of the below reactions when first starting ketones. They only last until your body adjusts. Usually you won’t be bothered by any of them:
  • Slight headache
  • Slight stomach cramping or gas
  • Loose bowels
I sometimes get a slight headache, which reminds me that I’m dehydrated (I suck at remembering my water intake). Drinking a glass of water takes it away almost immediately. Drinking ketones doesn’t replace your normal water intake. Water, Water Water. Something else that works for any symptoms you might have is adding a little Pink Himalayan Sea Salt to your ketone drink. The salt will also calm down your drink if the flavor you’re drinking seems too sweet.
Keto User Guide

Blender Bottles and Ketosis Test Strips on Amazon

Here are some Links on Amazon to dip sticks and blender bottles. I got the ones below and i love the bottles because they don’t leak when you shake them. I love their little loop for carrying. For your convenience, I put the links below. If you order them, since I’m an Amazon Associate, I’ll get a teeny little commission (which doesn’t raise your price or affect your cost in any way).

You can find blender bottles pretty much anywhere – but be sure to get the ones with the little spring-looking thing in them that bounces around when you shake the bottle and help with blending.

I couldn’t find the dip strips in stores, but I didn’t look very hard either. I just ordered both mine through Amazon because they were a good price and I’m a little lazy.

[lasso sitestripe=”true” id=”17314″ ref=”amzn-nurse-hatty-150-ketone-test-strips-w-built-in-color-chart-free-keto-guide-ebook-free-app-made-in-the-usa-urine-test-for-ketogenic-ketosis-low-carb-atkins-paleo-diets-e” link_id=”472″]

[lasso sitestripe=”true” id=”17319″ ref=”amzn-blenderbottle-classic-shaker-bottle-perfect-for-protein-shakes-and-pre-workout-colors-may-vary-28-ounce-pack-of-2″ link_id=”473″]

Be Sure To Keep Your Account On Smart Ship. Here’s Why.

I know you’ve heard me preach about setting your orders on SmartShip – the below guides show the reason I do that. I hate ordering anything at full price, and always having your account set for SmartShip gives you a 22% discount with every order. (If you’re ordering any of the Keto Max flavors, that amounts to a savings of around $30). Plus, if your orders are set to SmartShip, your fourth order is FREE. Check out the breakdowns below. IMPORTANT: Log into the Pruvit account you created when you ordered your ketones. Click on the  ‘Manage Smartship’ tab across the top. Make sure your account is set to Smartship. If it’s not, you’ll be paying full price for your next order and won’t get your 4th order free.
Smart Ship Explained

Blogging About Ketones, the Keto-ish Diet & Ketosis

I’ll be writing more about  ketones, the ketogenic diet, and ketosis as I learn more about them myself. I’ll let you know when new flavors are introduced, and will inform you when flash sales are coming (where prices are cut drastically for one day only). Did you know that you can get ketones in your body in other ways besides just mixing them with water or adding them to your coffee? I’ll be sharing recipes you can make using your ketones that are seriously awesome. Below is a blog post I wrote about ketones on my website “Women Over Fifty Network”.  If you’d like to see more posts like these, just subscribe to my website using the form at the bottom of this page.

Are You Struggling to Stay on The Keto Diet? Find Out the Secret!

What is a Keto Diet?

A Keto Diet, short for Ketogenic Diet, is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.
Ketogenic Diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. When there is less carbohydrate in the diet, the liver then converts fat into fatty acids and ketones. The ketones pass into the brain through the blood and replace glucose as an energy source. When there is an elevated level of ketones in the blood, you are said to be in a state known as “ketosis“. The goal of the Keto Diet is to get you into a state of ketosis.

Read More…

If You’re a Woman over 50, You Might Like My Blog

I’d love to have you subscribe to my blog! I write not only about ketones, but about all thing pertaining to women baby boomers. I do all I can to connect women over fifty with each other. You can visit Women Over Fifty Network HERE and poke around a bit first, or you can just subscribe below.

If you want to hear people’s stories about how Pure Therapeutic Ketones have changed their lives, see before and after fat loss pictures, get information how ketones affects/improves particular medical conditions, and so much more information…messsage me on Facebook and I’ll add you to a private Facebook group I’m in. You will be amazed!!

Until next time… Patti Huck image and signature