Women Over Fifty Who Travel Solo…Around the World. They Say You Can Too!
Women Over Fifty Who Travel Solo…Around the World. They Say You Can Too!
Have you always dreamed of traveling to exciting destinations. Flitting from here to there, drinking in the sights, experiencing the culture, actually seeing first hand all the exciting places you’ve only read about?
Are you a woman over fifty who would love to travel but circumstances have caused you to feel you’re not able to?
- Is it because you have no one to go with you?
- Are you afraid of traveling alone?
- Is it because you can’t afford it?
What’s keeping you from seeing all the places you’ve always dreamed of? Do you really, really want to travel? The women you’ll read about below wanted it bad enough that they made it happen.
Most of these women felt the hardest part was just making the decision to do it. Some overcame their fear of traveling alone by first dipping their toe in with a short trip. Most dove in head first.
What would it feel like to sell everything you owned, stuff a backpack full of the only possessions you had left, and hit the road? No obligations and only adventure on your horizon?
The women below all travel. By themselves. They love it. In fact, they prefer it. Most of them are over 50.
- Some are nomads with no permanent residence…going from one exciting destination to the next.
- Some prefer luxury travel (but have found ways to experience luxury on a budget).
- Some like getting into the nitty gritty of the cultures in places they stay, and live among the locals.
But what do they live on? How do they support their travels?
- Some do house sitting. (House sitting in Italy? OMG, sign me up!)
- Some work remotely at their regular profession from whatever country they’re currently exploring. Play by day, fire up the computer and work by night.
They’ll tell you exactly how they do it. The circumstances that caused them to make the decision to pack and go. They’ll tell you what it’s like to be completely on your own in a foreign country.
All of these women write blogs about their adventures. They share packing, safety, dining and etiquette tips for solo traveling that they’ve learned along the way. They share gorgeous photos from places some of us have only dreamed of going, and they tell us stories about their adventures.
They all have different stories, but the one thing it seems they are all saying is…
Anyone can travel, at any time, anywhere. You just have to decide to do it, and then DO IT!
So…grab your favorite beverage, settle in and prepare to be entertained. Clicking the red buttons will take you to each of their individual sites. Explore. Look at their photos. Visit the “About” pages on their sites to get to know them and their stories. I was fascinated. I’m sure you will be too. Enjoy!


So if it’s inspiration you’re after – a gentle nudge to make your own travel dreams come true, then you’ve come to the right place. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to think that my crazy travel tales (especially as a solo lass “of a certain age”) might inspire some other lass or lad (of any age) to follow their own brand of bliss, and just pop on a backpack and DO IT!
Note from Patti: This is one of my favorite sites. Dyanne is such an entertaining and engaging writer you feel as if she’s telling you stories over coffee. She’s down to earth and real, and just sounds like someone I’d love to know.


Working for years at a job she didn’t enjoy, Barbara kept asking herself “Who am I, why am I here, and what is my purpose in life?”After becoming ill and suffering for five years, she was finally diagnosed and treated for chronic Lyme Disease.
As soon as she was healthy enough, she left her job, strapped on a backpack, and traveled solo around the world for six months, determined to visit the places she’d always wanted to see.
Upon returning to the States in September of 2007, she rented an apartment in Florida and continued to travel more than half of the time, while simultaneously pursuing freelance writing opportunities. By the end of 2009 she was traveling so much that it made no sense to maintain a home base, so she sold or gave away her remaining furniture and hit the road full time.


I am currently in my mid 40’s and have been traveling and living on the road (yes, homeless) since 2006. How did I become a digital wanderer, New Nomad, career break guru, and have the most enviable job in the world?
I’m Sherry, a corporate cube dweller turned nomadic traveler. I travel to off-the-beaten-path destinations to bring you unique travel experiences and photography. But it’s not just about travel, it’s also about life experiences of a middle age wanderer.
I quit my corporate IT job in 2006 and said goodbye to blackberries, meetings and New York City. My original intention was to simply take a career break and come back after a year and determine next steps. I traveled around the world to 23 countries, finding a new exciting world outside of my office walls. My eyes were opened to possibilities and the beauty of simplicity; I didn’t want to go back to my old corporate existence. Instead I sold my possessions and relocated to Vietnam for one year in order to keep traveling. To make money I taught ESL, sold photography, and started really working at building a blogging and writing presence, including launching my other career break travel website,

Cheryl & Lisa

Before we started “What Boundaries? Live Your Dream!” we DID have normal jobs like everyone else. Really we did. But in 2007, we decided to sell everything and get an around-the-world plane ticket. This travel bug was only supposed to last 6 months, max. But somewhere along the way – we got hooked.
We’ve volunteered in South Africa and Mexico, WOOFed in Hawaii and New Zealand, and backpacked across Europe and Asia. So far, we’ve traveled to 5 continents, 48 countries and well over 250 cities. And we’re just getting started!


Women on the Road is for women who are curious, smart, enterprising, enthusiastic, inspired or dynamic – women who want to see the world on their own terms, usually solo (though someone might occasionally tag along) but always independently.
Women on the Road is for women who are ready to take one big fat bite out of life and smack their lips in glee afterward.
Women on the Road shows you how any woman, of any age, can hit the road, on her own – and enjoy every minute.

Mary Jo

MJ, is a traveler, travel writer, podcaster, and publisher. When she’s not on a trip, she’s planning or researching the next one and has a bag always packed, ready for the next great adventure. Her travel ethos is Value Luxury – that sweet spot where experience and price intersect to create WOW.


When I became an emptynester, I began traveling more adventurously, and solo, as well as writing about my journeys, and thus Travels with Tam was born! My posts include many photographs, so if you love travel photography, food, wildlife and underwater photographs, you have come to the right place. I share stories about traveling, food, luxury hotels, adventure trips, scuba diving, and citizen science.
I want to inspire others to get out and see the world, to expand their knowledge and enlarge their perspective. You can travel and “do good” for yourself, others and our planet at the same time!


I’m a professional makeup artist with a bad case of wanderlust, an eye for detail, a WSET certified wino, and yes, I’m addicted to Italy.
A curious person, I’m interested in learning, creating, self discovery, connecting with people, having adventures, and discovering beauty. Travel writing and photography are just a way for me to express myself.
Adventures of a Carry-on is a place I’ve created to fill with all the things I find beautiful and inspiring – art, architecture, culture, people, food and wine and of course, travel!
What you will find at Adventures of a Carry-on
You might find me stomping through vineyards in the Italian countryside, or flying over Napa Valley wineries in a hot air balloon.
I will share first-hand accounts of the places I’m traveling to including; intimate details of tours, wineries, restaurants, hotels and more. Travel lightly, experience deeply is the way I like to roll.



Now, as Editor and Food & Wine Travel Columnist for Solo Traveler, I eat, drink, and cook my way around the world, sharing my (frequently wonderful, sometimes unusual) experiences with readers.


You are never too old to start traveling solo. I was already 30 years old when I took my first overseas trip alone. Actually, I was 29 years and 300+ days. I celebrated my 30th birthday while in Singapore.
There is no right way or wrong way to travel solo. Not everyone should become a nomad. Although I do think everyone should give solo travel a try at least once in their life! Even if you just get out and explore your own city alone, that too could be your start to solo travel my friend 🙂


Tropical travel has become my passion. I’ve never met an island I didn’t like, although I’ve liked some better than others. I’m often asked questions like, “What is your favorite island?” and “I’m thinking of going somewhere tropical on my next vacation. Where should I go?”
Through my destination content, blog posts, and photos, I hope to be able to help anyone interested in planning a trip to the tropics, and because every destination is different, I want to help you discover where your ideal island destination may be.
I’ll also be sharing information and advice about planning, packing, and how to navigate the ever-changing world of travel.


I founded Solo Travel Girl because I found myself traveling alone, not lonely. My personal experiences are meant to inspire and empower other travelers to shed their fears and travel solo. I admit to still having uncomfortable butterflies when dining alone in a chichi restaurant or participating in an activity geared toward couples or families but I shrug off my insecurities and indulge in the moment of discovery and adventure.
Topics I blog about include Florida, domestic and international travel, culinary, nature-based/outdoor adventures, solo travel, girlfriend getaways, product reviews and travels with a dog.

Dr. Cacinda Maloney

I have traveled every six weeks of my life for over 25+ years.
A Doctor by profession, I gave up my career six years ago to travel the world even more!
Points and Travel is not your ordinary travel and lifestyle blog. We are a travel resource of content related to destinations about adventure, culture, and smart luxury travel–maximizing dollars for the greatest luxurious experiences.
Storytelling and photography are my two passions. This is what I primarily do when I travel. Look for a great story about a place and then photograph it. My extensive travels have inspired me to write and share some of my extensive luxury travel experiences with you.


The whole point of Nomad Women is to help you, inspire you and empower all you current and future mature, experienced, wonderful Nomad Women, to get up, get out and see the world!
If you have any questions or comments that can help me achieve that, I want to hear them!
Until next time…peace out.