Starting Over. Who Says You Can’t Re-invent Your Life After 60?
Starting Over Again…and again, and again
It never ceases to amaze me how people come into your life at exactly the right time. Have you noticed that? Funny how life works. Funny, but not funny, ya know?
I know that in my life when I’m caught up in a shit storm and wading through the muck, I’m hard pressed to imagine that any good could possibly come from it if I should survive with my mind intact once I’m spit out on the other side. But it does. Almost always.
It’s happened over and over. When everything sucks, crap is coming at me from every angle and I’m forced to take my life in a completely different direction, that new direction ends up being the exact one I needed to take to get me to a better place. That new direction is one I would never have orchestrated on my own, and is usually a place I never in a million years would have thought myself to be.
Meet My New BFF: Meredith Maran
The story below reinforces my belief that ‘everything happens for a reason’. I immediately loved Meredith. She’s the author of “The New Old Me”, a story of starting over. She’s warm, spunky, funny, caring, positive and fiercely indendent. Aside from one very short e-mail exchange, I don’t know her. I was able to determine those qualities from the heartfelt and candid podcast interview you’ll listen to below.
During our 60’s, a time when life is supposed to get a little easier for us as we look forward to retirement, her life completely fell apart. She was blindsided by a rapid succession of life events.
If you are presently or have ever been in a place where you feel you’re getting hammered from all directions, you’re alone, and you’re not sure what your next move should be…listen to the interview with Meredith below.
You’ll hear traces of lingering pain in her voice, but you’ll feel her resiliency and determination that, I don’t know about you, but she put a renewed fire in my soul and reminded me of something I’ve preached, but sometimes forget myself: Every little thing’s gonna be alright.
She, my friends, personifies the strong, intelligent, empathetic, independent woman – the woman that the Women Over Fifty Network community was built around, and the type of woman I personally strive to be every day of my life.
NOTE: This is an audio post. Click the triangle below to listen…the intro ends at :26, then Meredith’s story begins.
NOTE: I love her thoughts at position 9:25 on the audio. EVERY WOMAN WHO IS OVER FIFTY NEEDS TO HEAR THIS!
Re-Inventing Myself After 60: Meredith Maran's Story

Author |Speaker |Editor
A member of the National Book Critics Circle, Meredith lives in a Silver Lake bungalow that’s even older than she is. Anne Lamott said of Meredith’s skills as a coach for aspiring writers, “She’s the best in the biz.”
Learn more about Meredith and what she does HERE. See her books HERE
I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Did anything in particular resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below.
Until next time…peace out.

DAYA (Don't Act Your Age) Podcasts
Guest Post
Meredith’s story is narrated by Stephen Johnston and produced by Rich Halten and Stephen Johnston at “Don’t Act Your Age,” a podcast about over-50’s who have earned every one of their gray hairs. You can hear more of their podcasts by subscribing to Don’t Act Your Age on iTunes HERE