BEST Yoga Pants with Phone Pockets for Women Over Fifty
BEST Yoga Pants with Phone Pockets for Women Over Fifty
Hey you amazing, strong women!
I’m so excited to share these yoga pants with phone pockets with you as my very first product recommendation. I. Love. These. Pants!
So why, out of the blue, am I suddenly sounding like a product rep for yoga pants? Well, I have recently decided to start writing Amazon product recommendations for products that I’ve purchased and love. I buy a lot of products, and because I do, I’ve discovered a lot of products I absolutely love. I don’t want to be pushy, but I really feel like other women my age might really love them too.
So I decided to start sharing them with you by writing product recommendations for some of my favorites, and this one is my first.
I know you all are probably just as busy as I am, so I opted out of writing the traditional ‘product review’ (rating the product by pointing out good and bad) to keep from wasting your time, and will be going straight to the “oh my god this is the coolest thing EVER!” ‘recommendation’ post. I’ll still continue writing regular blog posts, and have a backlog of them to post. I don’t want you to think that my ADD has kicked in and I’m jumping ship here.
Short and Sweet
If you know me, even barely know me, you know that on rare occasions I may have a tendency to get just a little bit wordy. So when I do my recommendations, I’m going to try to keep things short and sweet. K?
Also, although it’s posted several places on my site, I just want to make sure you’re aware that I’m an Amazon Associate, so if you should purchase any product I recommend through a link to Amazon, I will make a small commission. And to be clear, my commission doesn’t raise your purchase cost of the product.
Okay. Let’s Get Started!
Like I said above, I’m going to try to edit myself and keep things short and sweet, which means I need to cut down on my narratives.
I’ve added notes with the images. The images will give you a good idea of what these look like in real life, and be sure to watch the video at the end that will give you a good idea of the stretch and closer look of the fabric.
Wide Waistband.

No Rolling!
The wide waistband keeps it from rolling when you bend over (I hate that!), and it’s just snug enough to help keep your tummy flattened out.
Flattering Fit.

They're Very Forgiving.
I’ve had these pants for about two years. I wear them a LOT. I’ve gained and lost weight, as most of us do, and they still have the same hold & stretch as when I got them.

Not Just For Exercise.
I’m not kidding when I say these are comfy. I put a cute top and some flip flops with these and wear them for everyday use.
Well Made.

Durable Construction
I love the stitching pattern on these. The stitching has not frayed in the least…anywhere! There is no thinning in the fabric, no tears, and no snags.
Hold Their Shape

Stretchy, but Don't Get Baggy.
These pants s-t-r-e-t-c-h like crazy, but they go right back to their shape. Washing, drying, me growing, then shrinking, and still they maintain their shape.
Phone Pockets
Deep, Secure Pockets
The large pockets will accommodate all size phones. They stretch to allow your whole hand to get your phone in and out, and deep enough that your phone is secure.
Quick Note…
As I was writing this, just out of curiousity, I pulled up my past orders on Amazon. I bought these pants on June 8, 2020.
I’ve worn them for four years, not two, as I had said above. All of the pictures for this blog post are current…taken about two months ago.
It’s pretty amazing if you look at the pictures of my 4-yr-old pants in this post, (and I’ve worn them a lot!), and then go look at the brand new ones on Amazon. When you compare them, I’d say these babies have held up pretty darn well!
In Summary…
So in summary, in case I wasn’t clear, I highly recommend these. They’re one of my very favorite purchases. I also have the same ones, same pattern, in the capris.
You should get some! We’d be twins.
Send pictures and I’ll add them to this post! (I’m totally serious).
I was writing this, just out of curiousity, I pulled up my past orders on Amazon. I bought these pants on June 8, 2020.
I’ve worn them for four years, not two, as I had said above. All of the pictures for this blog post are current…taken about two months ago.
It’s pretty amazing if you look at the pictures of my 4-yr-old pants in this post, (and I wore them a lot!), and then go look at the brand new ones on Amazon. When you compare them, I’d say these babies have held up pretty darn well!
Please Note:

Thank you for reading my product recommendation. Watch for new blog posts that I’ll be posting soon, as well as new recommendations of my latest purchases. Oh, and did I mention I love gadgets? Prepare yourself. My hubby calls me the ‘gadget queen’.
To see a few of the products I’ve used that I’ve deemed sharable, take a little look-see through my store. I add to it frequently!
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I have several colors and patterns, & all have held up well. 3 Pockets. Stretchy, comfy, and the high waist 'tummy control' holds in a poochy tummy!
- Tummy Control
- for Workout or Running
- 3 Pockets (one on each leg, one inside waistband)
I have these in several colors and patterns. I've been wearing them for a few years, and they hold up really well. Stretchy, comfy, and the high waist helps hold in a poochy tummy! - by Dragon Fit