Ugly, that’s what it is. Waffled, crepey skin just flat out creeps me out. It’s like a neon sign blinking “this bitch is old, this bitch is old…”
Crepey skin isn’t wrinkles. Wrinkles are lines that are caused from repetitive motions, like smiling or frowning. Wrinkles are earned and respected.
Crepey skin is a whole different thing. It’s defeated skin that’s pissed off you mistreated it your whole life. It waits until you’ve forgotten about it, then outs you in a crowd in all it’s hanging puckered glory as you’re flapping your arms around telling your story.
Okay, a little dramatic I admit. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’re a woman over fifty as I am. Do you have any? If you don’t…why? Did I inherit this because I was grossed out by my grandma’s very crepey arms when I was young and silently chastised her smugly convinced hers looked that way because she didn’t get any exercise? I guess Karma’s a bitch, right?
From everything I’ve read, this process begins around the time you approach your 30’s. Your skin begins to lose protein. As the years go on, this causes thinning and sagging of the skin. Peachy.
So let me get this straight. In my 30’s when I was playing volleyball, softball, golfing, off-road single track biking, swimming and as active and fit as I’ve possibly ever been in my life, my skin was nonchalantly prepping itself to throw me this sucker punch in my 50’s? Nice.
Here’s the kicker – I didn’t really notice it happening. I mean, yeah, there were little changes here and there, but nothing major. Then one night I was bent over drying my legs after a relaxing bubble bath. I had gained an extra 20 pounds during the previous months, and I tended to look at my naked self as little as possible.
But that night, all bent over, out of the corner of my eye I noticed something odd. What in the holy HELL? The skin inside my upper arm looked like a half and half mixture of elephant skin and cottage cheese. After a quick body scan, with one eye closed, I also noticed some above my knees, on the top of my lower arms and my neck.
Dear Lord, at some point while I was sleeping I had turned into my Grandma. It hadn’t looked that way yesterday. Did it? OMG did it? I had worn a tank top and shorts and been around people. A lot of them!
I had held my own through most of my fifties with fewer obvious signs of aging than I had expected. That first physical change that your body is aging can be a shock. At least it was for me.
Calling a truce with my crepey skin was one of my first hurdles of learning how to be okay with getting older. Now it seems that each day there’s another little thing here, a little thing there that goes haywire or makes me go “hmmm” to remind me that time is marching on.
Moving on… In case you tuned in late or aren’t clear what we’re referring to, scroll back up to the top of this post and notice those cute little elephants. See their skin? Well, allow me to share another visual…

You’re welcome. Look familiar?
Okay, so other than the loss of protein in our skin over the years that I mentioned above, what other things might be responsible for this tired, saggy skin?
- Weight Loss | Weight Gain – As we age, the sudden weight gain and weight loss don’t play well with our skin. When we gain weight, our skin obviously has to stretch to accomodate our expanded girth. When we lose weight (woohoo!) the skin shrinks back. As we age, our skin loses it’s elasticity and doesn’t snap back and stay there as well as it used to. Think of the size and stretchiness of a rubberband right out of the box. Now look at a rubberband you’ve used multiple times. Not as tight and doesn’t stretch back as quickly, right?
- Sun Exposure – Years and years of sun exposure (UV light) can screw with the collagen in your skin causing them to become stiff and inflexible.
- Smoking – We all know that smoking causes premature aging. A lot of smokers or previous smokers have fine lines and puckered skin around the lips and mouth.
- Side and Stomach Sleeping – Either of these positions will cause your face to be smashed against your pillow causing the skin to be pushed into this position for 6-8 hours. Side sleepers – have you looked in the mirror first thing when you wake up? Notice the wrinkles from your bedding in your cheeks?
- Gravity – If something is up, it eventually will come down. Law of gravity. We don’t have a lot of control in this area.
- Age -Our skin isn’t as able to retain it’s moisture as well as it did when we were younger. Dehydrated skin becomes dry skin, and dry skin becomes crepey, wrinkly skin. Bleh.
Time travel? Shoulda, coulda, woulda? If our sixteen year-old selves could have had a glimpse at our present selves, would we have done things differently? Been more careful? Speaking for myself probably not. I loved my younger life just as I love my present life. Hey, we age. It’s inevitable. Some of the changes it brings aren’t pleasant, but damn there are some great rewards aren’t there?
I think it’s human nature to want to look the best we can. So what, aside from surgical procedures, can we do ourselves to help reduce the crepey look of our skin? Here are some things you can get started with right away…
- Massage. If your problem area is neck and face, do self massage on those areas. You may also do self massage on other problem areas such as arms, legs and chest.
- Exercise. For neck and face, do exercises specific to those areas. For arms and legs, resistance training is particularly helpful.
- Hydrate Using Homemade Moisturizers Like This – Olive & Honey Moisturizer: Mix olive oil and honey to a consistency that is somewhere between thick and runny. Massage lightly into skin. Leave it as long as possible. Wash off with warm water or shower. Avoid using soap. This mixture surprisingly won’t leave your skin sticky, it will just feel soft from the oil.
- Exfoliate. This helps stimulate collagen production. Use this homemade mixture – Sugar Scrub: Mix equal parts olive oil and sugar until it’s a consistency that doesn’t drip and is easy to spread (play around with this – you’ll get a feel for it and will find the consistency you prefer). Massage into skin for a few minutes, then rinse well with warm water. The sugar lifts dead skin while the oil helps hydrate your skin.
- Drink Lots of Water. Water helps rid the body and skin of toxins. I notice the more water I drink, the more even-toned my skin looks. I can’t find it’s been proven to help crepey skin, but it certainly won’t hurt, right?
- Get Enough Sleep. Lack of sleep ages your skin causing fine lines. Chronic sleep-loss makes your body release more cortisol (stress hormones). Irritable anyone? Get your rest!
I’ve just discovered this blog and oh my goodness, how I empathize with Patti! I ‘discovered’ my crepey upper arms about 10 years ago, yes, in the shower, when I was 60. I was devastated! It doesn’t help to know that all those years of dedicated tanning contributed to the condition, so it’s my own fault! I can’t honestly say that I’ve accepted my ‘friendly’ arms, so it was great to read Patties tips for reducing the crepiness – I’ll certainly be giving them a try! Thank you Pattie…
Hahah my thoughts exactl! I am 53 and not a chance I Am wearing a sleeveless shirt an.
It has completely taken me by surprise and haven’t gotten used to it either.
It run on my moms side of the family and Karma got me too.
It’s weird stuff isn’t it Denise? It’s like it happens while you’re sleeping one night. I’ve started doing weights to firm up my arms, and walking and bike riding to work on the thighs. I’ll let you know if it has any effect on the crepe.
I found my crepey skin while bending over testing the temp of the water for my shower. I caught the skin on my upper left arm out of the corner of my eye and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I know too much sun and not enough water is my problem. I am 67 so I guess my age has something to do with it also.
Victoria, your comment made me laugh out loud. That’s exactly how I discovered mine! I was drying off after a bath. When I noticed it, I was totally distracted and couldn’t believe it was MY arm! I cursed myself for all those sunbathing years slathered in cocoa butter. Up until the past few years I worked with weights and kept myself fairly toned. I’m wondering if my arms deflated because I stopped that, or if it would have happened regardless. On a different note, I wanted to tell you that I love your blog! You and your daughter are darling together! My daughter and I had a blog together too – Organized Chaos Online, and I miss those days terribly. Enjoy them. Thanks so much for reading and commenting Victoria.
Hi Patti – fortunately crepey skin isn’t a problem for me (yet) – I’m sure that your suggestions would be really helpful to those who do have an issue with it. Thanks for linking up with us at #MLSTL – if you read the guidelines and link a more personal lifestyle post next time it would be great – and also please comment on and share at least three other posts. Thanks so much – I’ve shared this on my SM 🙂
Hi Leanne! You’re a lucky woman – the crepey skin sneaks up on you. One day it’s not there, and the next day you reach down for something and BOOM, at some point during the night your armpit skin slid down to your elbow! But if that’s the only problem we’re having with aging, I’ll take it! Thank you for including me in #MLSTL! I’m new at this, so I apologize for straying from the guidelines. I’ll be more on track next time. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Hi Patti and welcome to #MLSTL. I know what you mean about crepey skin on the arms. Even though I work out with weights, unfortunately time takes over and at nearly 61 the crepey skin is appearing. I do believe though that keeping our bodies toned does help. However, on the positive side, I keep active and fit, feel 30 and life is good. Have a great week and look forward to you linking up with us next week. I will be sharing on Social Media.
Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
Sue, I totally agree that keeping our bodies moving is the trick to feeling good. It’s easy for us to get trapped behind our computers and forget to take those breaks. I just started a water aerobics class. I love it, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to do me in! Thanks so much for having me in #MLSTL, and for your comment.
I guess I was lucky – no crepey skin until now, almost age 71. I can handle that – I’ve even become accepting of my “friendly upper arms”. You know, the ones that wave at everyone?
#MLSTL visitor (shared on SM)
Donna, you’ve been very lucky! I’m 62 and have enjoyed the puckered look for a couple years now. My knees have also joined the party. And the “friendly upper arms”…can we see me waving at you? Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. Take care!